Last night I found myself sitting alone in a large conference room with an elderly clergy "Father" , engaged in one of the deepest conversations I've had in years, and I couldn't help thinking to myself, "How the hell did I end up here, in this moment? What choices brought me to this point? This could be the beginning of a good joke, 'a priest walks into a conference room....'" It was one of those moments in life where using the word "Surreal" doesn't feel cliche at all, but it feels like the exact purpose for the word.
The Father and I were both attending a work-related broadcast, and we were the only two who came to that particular viewing location. We sat silently listening through the first half, and then during a break we introduced ourselves. And when I say "introduced ourselves" I mean that I made an awkward joke about how I couldn't pull of the "stiff white collar" look as well as he does.
We started chatting about why we were attending this lecture, what impact the information would have in our respective work, etc. While we were talking, all I was thinking about was how random life is, that I would be chit chatting with Father so-and-so on a Thursday night, and that we were the only two people there. And then, out of nowhere the Father said, "It seems to me that we have a unique opportunity before us. I can tell that your character runs deeper than mindless banter, and I was hoping to discuss some thoughts I've been having of late. We can either continue talking about nothing in particular, or we can actually talk about something that matters to both of us." After a moment or two of hesitation, during which time I'm sure my easily read face registered embarrassment, then confusion, then suspicion, then intrigue, I responded, "Why the hell not Father!" (cue another look embarrassment).
For the next hour we discussed everything from the trinity, to Ukraine, to how literal the Bible actually is, and so on. Neither of us were trying to convince each other of anything, we were just sounding boards for each other's thoughts. And I've got to tell you, I loved every minute of it.
As I was driving home after the broadcast and talk with the Father, I was hit again with how surreal life can be at times. These opportunities come along all the time, but we aren't always looking for them. Whether we're shopping at the store, reading in a coffee shop, standing in a drum circle, running at a park, or folding laundry at home, there are moments that just hit you, and cause an almost out of body experience where you look down at that moment and think, "How did I get to this moment, in this place, doing this thing?"
The best part about these moments is that, for me at least, they aren't always some dramatic event, but more so a simple set of circumstances that remind me how unique life is, even when it looks mundane on the outside. After being in a bit of a funk the past couple months, it's really nice to have a bit of a wake-up call and reminder that life isn't something to be passively experienced, it's something to be actively lived and appreciated.
That was cool! It would never happen to me because the clergyman would look at me and think "Yep, talking to her would be Kardashian hell." Not a Kardashian fan, but he'd still be on the right track.